120 Years of Tradition
Pi Kappa Alpha’s Scholarship Opportunities at Missouri S&T
The Alpha Kappa Educational Foundation, along with many donor advised funds held at Missouri S&T, the Miner Alumni Association, and the PiKA Memorial Headquarters, annually awards over $100,000 in scholarships to members of the Alpha Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri S&T. Alpha Kappa’s scholarship opportunities are not limited to those found on this page with numerous other scholarships ranging from $100 to $2500 being awarded to the chapter from donor advised funds. Learn more about some of our scholarship opportunities below!
In regard to scholastic achievement, any member that is a full-time student by MS&T policy (currently 12 hours or more) is eligible for consideration. Awards are based on semester GPA at the following three levels: Level 1: 3.8-4.0 receives $350, Level 2: 3.5-3.79 receives $300, and Level 3: 3.2-3.49 receives $150.
In regard to executive leadership, the Alpha Kappa leadership team is eligible to receive awards based on achievement of semesterly performance objectives. The maximum amount for each office is as follows: President: $1,000, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents: $900, Vice President of Risk Management: $800, Treasurer: $800, Secretary: $500, New Member Education: $700, and House Manager: $700. Scholarships for the general fund will continue to expand as more funds are available.
Awarded to the member with the highest record of loyal service to the chapter. Typically, this individual is an unrecognized leader that digs the trenches out of brotherly love and commitment versus a highly recognized office position. The recipient is selected by a vote of the chapter with an annual award amount of $500.
Awarded to 2nd year man determined to be the most outstanding chapter member based on their cumulative student journey focused on scholastic achievement, chapter leadership, community service, and campus involvement. One recipient is chosen annually by AKEF at $1,000.
Sometimes referred to as the rush scholarship, the Gevecker award focuses on new members entering their first year of enrollment at MS&T where award criteria reflects academic merit, extra-curricular involvement, leadership, and character demonstrated in high school. Typically, four recipients are chosen annually by AKEF at $1,000 each.
Awarded to the member who excels in intramural athletics and is recognized for their results, commitment and enthusiasm. The recipient is selected by a vote of the chapter with an annual award amount of $200.
Awarded to the new member(s) with the highest semester GPA. At times, a badge will be donated by a deceased brother. With the badge, a great number of memories and stories are shared. In stances where a badge is unavailable each semester to be passed, the recipient(s) will receive $100 each.
Awarded to a member who is extremely active in community service (hours accumulated) and campus organizations (office positions). The award provides preferential selection to juniors and seniors who have completed two full years at MS&T, maintained a 2.75 minimum GPA, and enrolled in a field of engineering. Typically, two recipients are chosen annually by AKEF at $1,000 each.
Awarded to 4th or 5th year man determined to be the most outstanding chapter member based on their cumulative student journey focused on scholastic achievement, chapter leadership, community service, and campus involvement. One recipient is chosen annually by AKEF at $1,000.
Awarded to a graduating senior who carried a heavy debt load in order to graduate. The recipient is selected by a vote of the chapter with an annual award amount of $750.
Awarded to a varsity letterman for the academic year of evaluation that achieved the highest cumulative grade point average. Recipient(s) is chosen annually at $100 each.
Awarded to a member in the field of engineering management and systems engineering with preferential selection to members that are juniors and seniors with higher GPA. Typically, two recipients are chosen annually by AKEF at $1,000 each.
Awarded to the new member determined to be the most outstanding member of their class based on their cumulative student journey focused on scholastic achievement, chapter leadership, community service, and campus involvement. The recipient is selected by a vote of the new member class with a semester award amount of $100.
Preferential selection to a member in varsity football, but otherwise any member as selected by AKEF annually at $500.
Awarded to a 3rd year man determined to be the most outstanding chapter member based on their cumulative student journey focused on scholastic achievement, chapter leadership, community service, and campus involvement. The recipient is selected by a vote of the chapter with an annual award amount of $1,000.
“This semester I was generously awarded the R.V. Wolf Scholarship along with GPA and Officer scholarships from the previous semester. The scholarships awarded to me by the generous Alpha Kappa Alumni have assisted in sustaining my financial peace of mind. These scholarships truly help by giving me that extra fiscal cushion, and allow me to spend more time on my studies.”
—Daniel Walsh (AK ‘18)